General queries

  • As our content is collaborative, it may be that we have not yet received a contribution for the lyrics or translation you are looking for.

    If you have this content, you can submit it to us here. This way, you will help other fans to find the material as well.

  • To submit lyrics, visit our contribution center or click on "Submit lyrics" in the top right corner of the screen.

  • Yeah! You can enjoy the contents on for free. The ads on direct you to third party websites which may charge your for their products or services.

    In the app we offer the Letras Premium subscription option, which gives you access to the app with no ads. You can read more details about Letras Premium in our terms of use.

  • Letras is solely a collaborative platform for song lyrics. We do not offer the download of songs or videos in our app or website.

  • Log in to Letras and open the lyrics of the song you want to add to the playlist. Then, click on the "+" icon displayed right below the artist's name and choose "Add to playlist".

    You can find your playlists in the "Playlists" tab or in your profile. To access your profile, click on your name at the top of the page and then "My profile".

    If you want to edit a playlist, go to the "Playlists" tab, hover the cursor over the one you want to modify and click "edit".

Usage issues

  • Please try accessing the page using an incognito tab on your browser. If you're using Google Chrome, press CTRL + SHIFT + N access the website through the window that will open.

    If it works, it is quite likely that a plug-in or extension installed on your default browser is preventing you from logging in. We recommend that you try to disable any installed plug-ins or add-ons to find out which may be interfering with Letras.

    In case it doesn't work, please contact us and tell us more details about what happened so that we can help.

  • You can contribute by submitting corrections through our contribution center. If you prefer, go to the song's lyrics and click on "Did you see an error? Send us your revision" at the bottom of the page.

    As we are a collaborative platform, we may not have received a review contribution for the content you are looking for. We appreciate that you're helping us keep our website even better!

  • Letras features videos available on YouTube so that you can either listen to the song or watch the video itself. If any video isn't playing, check if it's working normally when accessing it directly on YouTube.

    If it works on YouTube and the video still doesn't play on Letras, please contact us telling more details so we can help you.

  • Ads are necessary to continue offering free content on the website. If an ad is blocking any content or option, please send a screenshot to in order for us to help you.


  • What is Winamp and how do I install the Letras plug-in?

    Winamp is a free MP3 player. You can download it directly from its developer website. The Letras plugin can be downloaded here. After downloading and installing, an option under the name "" will appear in Winamp's "Media Library".

    Does the plugin work offline?

    As we need internet connection for the lyrics to be loaded, it's not possible to use the Letras plugin for Winamp without connection.

    How do I disable the plugin?

    Press the CTRL + P keys, with the Winamp window open. In the "Winamp Preferences" screen, select "Media library" from the menu on the left. Then, in "Plug-ins", double-click "" to disable it.

    I want to ask a question, make a suggestion or report a bug.

    Contact us telling more details so that we can help.

  • What is Windows Media Player and how do I install the Letras plug-in?

    Windows Media Player is the default music player for Windows computers. Download the Letras plugin here. After downloading and installing, you can find the lyrics of the songs that are playing in "Now Playing" mode.

    Does the plugin work offline?

    As we need a connection for the lyrics to be loaded, it's not possible to use the Letras plugin for Windows Media Player without internet.

    How do I disable the plugin?

    Access the Windows Media Player "Tools" menu and, in "Plug-ins", uncheck "".

    I want to ask a question, make a suggestion or report a bug.

    Contact us telling more details so that we can help.

Other questions

  • Couldn't find the information you needed above?